The relevance of the topic of this paper is due to the insufficient
study of the problems of the legal realism in the modern philosophy of
law. The problem of substantiating the thesis of the social grounds of
the court practice on the basis of rational argumentation of scientists
and legal realists arguments considered in the paper. The subject of
the research is to analyze the methods of legal argumentation in the
works of representatives of the legal realism. The purpose of the work is
to theoretically reconstruct the essence of the debate on the nature of
legal realism in the field of legal epistemology naturalization. The novelty
of the topic is due to the lack of studies in the educational and scientific
literature on the specifics of the argumentation of legal realism, set out
in the scientific works of Brian Leiter, the need to rethink traditional
ideas about the theory of legal realism. The research methods used in the
paper is the methods characteristic of analytical jurisprudence, including
those related to the use of methods of logical and linguistic analysis, as
well as special legal methods (formal legal method of interpretation of
regulatory prescriptions). The main conclusions of the paper are to reveal
the key arguments of the legal realism conception. It is proved that from
the point of view of this concept, the law has social grounds, and judges
in some cases use sociological reasoning when making court decisions