This paper is to study the civil regulation of private non-property rights in the field of chemical safety
as one of the most problem sectors of technological security due to increasing number of technogeneous
disasters. The author provides a gradual transition from the study of the essence of private non-property
relations in the civil law of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the rights to human life and health, their civil
protection, features of its implementation in conditions of the chemical threats. Author presents the chemical
safety as the systems consisting of numerous different-level elements with multiple connections and considers
it as an integral part of national security. In this regard, the author assumes the necessity of the special methods
to protect the private non-property rights to life and health and derived property rights. The author
demonstrates the conceptual approach to study and indicates the need for the development and adoption of
the Concept of chemical safety by showing that the right to life and health in the field of chemical safety are
ensured by a complex legal, organizational, financial, material and information measures stipulated to prevent
and eliminate the real and potential security threats and mitigation of their consequences.