КАЗГЮУ Университетінің сандық репозиторийі




Cоңғы басылымдар

  • Rakhimov, A. (BRITISH JOURNAL OF PAIN, 2025-01)
    Objectives: Validate the English version of the Self-Compassion Scale Short-Form (SCS-SF) as a reliable measure in chronic pain. Explore self-compassion's relationship with pain-related outcomes. Methods: A total of 240 ...
  • Abugamza, A.; Kaskirbayeva, D.; Charlwood, A.; Nikolova, S.; Martin, A. (Perspectives in Public Health, 2024)
    Aims: To assess the impact of the cOViD-19 pandemic on individual labour market outcomes and how these vary over time and between different groups of individuals. Methods: searches were conducted using Medline, scopus ...
  • Rodríguez-Pose, A.; Bartalucci, F.; Kurmanov, B.; Rau, G. (Asian Development Review, Vol.41, No.1, pp. 301–333, 2024-03)
    Growing disparities in wealth, well-being, and access to services in Kazakhstan have raised serious concerns among policymakers, especially since the January 2022 protests. This paper evaluates these regional inequalities ...
  • Kurmanov, B.; Selteyev, U.; Almaganbetov, A. (Central Asian Survey, VOL. 43, NO. 2, 235-256, 2023-10-31)
    The Open Government reform has been actively adopted across various non-democratic regimes, including post-Soviet Central Asia. The reform is supposed to bolster responsiveness and transparency through the active use ...
  • Kerimkulov, S.; Teleuova, S.; Tazhbenova, G. (Actual Problems of Economics Том 171, Выпуск 9, Страницы 434 - 445, 2015)
    This article provides measuring and analysis of the chaotic dynamics of the Cass Freight Index: Expenditure for the period 2001–2014. Chaotic attractors for the position, force and phase portrait are developed, as well ...
  • Pena-Boquete, Y.; Samambayeva, A.; Zhorayev, O. (Pena-Boquete et al., Cogent Economics & Finance (2022), 10, 2022-08-02)
    Health resources are an important factor to reduce infant and child mortality. However, taking into account budget constraints, it is very difficult to increase public health resources for all regions within a country ...
  • Sotnikova, O.A.; Shustova, E.P.; Nekhvyadovich, L.I.; Barabanova, M.I. (Public Administration and Regional Management in Russia, Contributions to Economics, PartF2, 173-183, 2020)
    The purpose of the research is to determine scenarios and to develop a “road map” of implementing the optimal scenario of state management of the educational services market in multicultural regions of Russia in the interests ...
  • Pena-Boquete, Y.; Samambayeva, A.; Zhorayev, O. (Cogent Economics & Finance Vol 10 No 1, 2103922, 2022)
    Health resources are an important factor to reduce infant and child mortality. However, taking into account budget constraints, it is very difficult to increase public health resources for all regions within a country at ...
  • Kaliyeva, G.T.; Arystanbaeva, S.S.; Zhanakova, N.N.; Kapenova, A.Z.; Djumabekova, A.T.; Orazbaeva, A.G. (European Research Studies Journal Volume XXI, Issue 2, 307 - 317, 2018)
    The industrial and innovative development of Kazakhstan accounts for the growth of the national economy. Although the return on investment in innovative business is quite high in the global financial market in general, ...
  • Kurmanov, B.; Pena-Boquete, Y.; Samambayeva, A.; Makhmejanov, G. (Open Public Health Journal, 2021, Vol 14, No 1, 501-508, 2021-11-17)
    Background: During the last 10 years, the prevalence of underweight has decreased considerably in Kazakhstan and, nowadays, it is set under 3% for children under 5 years old. However, the prevalence of overweight, which ...
  • Kurmanov, B.; Knox, C. (Journal of Eurasian Studies, Vol. 13(2),156–171, 2022-05-04)
    The introduction of open government has been used in many countries to improve the transparency, accountability of the state, and promote participation by citizens in collaborative governance. Its potential for public ...
  • Kemelbayeva, S. (EDUCATION ECONOMICS VOL.30, NO.3, 270–302, 2022)
    More selective universities are presumably better in quality and expected to provide better labour market outcomes for their graduates – returns premia. However, various empirical applications have found that part of it ...
  • Kurebaeva, G.A.; Kurebaeva, G.A.; Smailova, Z.U.; Kashkenova, A.M.; Tusungozhinova, G.S.; Sakenov, J.Z. (Life Science Journal 11(11s), 465 - 468, 2014)
    Psycholinguistic aspects students’ speech formation on materials of learning of foreign language are proved. Process students’ speech formation is reasonable through psycholinguistic training practice. Need of the accounting ...
  • Mingaleva, Zh.; Zhumabayeva, M.; Karimbayeva, G. (Life Science Journal Vol.11, S5, 7-161, 2014)
    Sudden growth of NPL volume became one of the up-to-date problems of bank sector in late 2000s. Analysis of macroeconomic values of development of Eastern, Central and South Europe, CIS-countries showed that before financial ...
  • Baizhanova, A.; Toleubayeva, A.; Muratova, G. (Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Vol 6, No 3 S2, 421 - 429, 2015-05)
    The given article is devoted to considering the problem of using idioms in foreign language class for students of translation studies departments of Kazakhstani higher institutions. The authors analyse the current situation ...
  • Al-Azzeh, J.; Litvinenko, A.; Kucherov, D.; Kashkevych, I.; Bagisov, Zh. (CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol. 2654, 402 - 420, 2020. 2019 International Workshop on Cyber Hygiene, CybHyg 2019, Kyiv, 2019-11-30)
    Expert control systems emulate the decision making ability of a human expert for solving complex problems by reasoning about knowledge. Artificial intelligence techniques are usually used for the purpose of representing knowledge ...
  • Syzdykov, A.; Sarsenova, S.; Babajanyan, Y.; Voznyak, O.; Bexultanova, R.; Kudiyarova, U.; Dautbaeva-Mukhtarova, A. (IEJME — MATHEMATICS EDUCATION, Vol. 11, No. 7, 2187-2193, 2016-06-09)
    The political process developing includes any actions to implement governance of people, community and public affairs. This article contains a historic review of political system formation, and identifies its elements. ...
  • Botagariev, T.; Kubieva, S.; Mambetov, N.; Zherkechbaeva, G.; Suleimenova, Z.; Zhetimekov, Y.; Gabdullin, A.; Azamatova, Zh. (Astra Salvensis, Vol. VI, no.11 pp. 517 – 534, 2018)
    This article determines factors and ways to improve the physical education of the first and second year female students. The data on the female students' health show the low body mass index, Erismann index, and other ...
  • Ismailova, G.; Mamanova, A.; Aypova, G.; Begaliyeva, N.; Konyrbayeva, S.; Sultanbek, M. (Determining professional mobility levels of secondary school teachers, International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE), 8(3), 39-45., 2020-12-08)
    Education has a great share in the development of a country. Countries that invest in education are developing in all respects. There are many factors that affect education, but the most important of them ...
  • Uasheva, A.K.; Buharova, A.B.; Ayazbayeva, A.T.; Isahova, G.D. (International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(S3) 210-216, 2016)
    This paper is devoted to the study of social orphancy reasons and growing number of abandoned children. Authors stress on personal factors affecting abandonment by mothers. Urgency of that issue is caused by the need for ...

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